拿起書,隨手翻了幾頁,抬眸看她:“Do you think he was right?”(你覺得他說的對嗎?)
“You’ve gotta distinguish the Is-Ought Problem. Fukuyama ought to be right, even though he isn’t.”(你得區別‘應然’和‘實然’。福山理應是對的,即便他實際上是錯的。注:這是休謨的“應然實然”的區分,現實存在的未必就是應該存在的,反之亦然。)
Sterling呵呵一笑,“‘Ought to be right’? Oh baby, he’s just plain wrong.”(‘理應是對的?’ 哦我的寶貝兒啊,福山錯的離譜。)他敲了敲書封,抬眸微狹,鋼灰的視線落向窗外,“Human society has always operated on competition and conquest. The laws of the jungle reign supreme. Ideologies can’t be classified into right or wrong. And ‘the end of history’ is nothing more than ‘the victor writes history’.”(人類社會從來都是靠競爭與征服運轉的。叢林法則才是永恒不變的真理。意識形態并不存在所謂的‘對’與‘錯’。而‘歷史的終結’(即冷戰的結束)——不過是‘勝利者書寫歷史’罷了。)